An ampoule specially formulated for targeted application and dedicated treatments aimed at combating the problem of fat deposits.

With a synergistic combination of lipolytic and reducing active ingredients, this ampoule helps to mobilize fat in adipose tissue, making it more readily available as "fuel" to create energy.

In addition, it helps to reduce the amount of fat stored in the body by combating the yo-yo effect, that is, when weight is regained after losing weight.

Its formula with Hyaluronic Acid, Palmaria Palmata Extract and Caffeine. Hyaluronic Acid helps hydrate and improve skin elasticity, while Palmaria Palmata Extract helps reduce inflammation and stimulate blood circulation. Caffeine, on the other hand, is a powerful stimulant that helps mobilize fat and accelerate the fat burning process.

Main features:

  • Reduces the appearance of cellulite
  • Improves the overall appearance of the skin
  • Fight localized fat
  • Combat the yo-yo effect
  • For professional use

How to use: Simply pour the entire contents of the ampoule into a bowl and add one of the active gels to enhance the effect, or a water-based gel. Then spread the product by electroporation to ensure deep and effective absorption into the skin.

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