Indicated for the care of cellulite, this body gel contains a synergy of active principles that promote lipolysis and the draining effect. Its extracts of guarana, horse glue and horse chestnut act to reduce cellulite, decrease the bulk of adipose tissue and increase skin elasticity and firmness.

Among its main components, we can highlight phosphatidylcholine, which allows the penetration of encapsulated active principles in the dermis, sodium deoxycholate, which destroys the cell membrane of adipocytes and promotes lipolysis, caffeine, which has an antioxidant, lipolytic and draining action , and L-carnitine, which facilitates the metabolism of fatty acids.

The combined use of this product with cavitation and electrophoresis apparatus enhances its effect and optimizes the results.

Additionally, the guarana extract acts as a circulation activator, reducing the permeability of the veins and increasing resistance, being useful in the treatment of varicose veins and circulatory problems.

Horse glue extract is rich in silicon, regenerating tissues and providing more elasticity and firmness to the skin, in addition to having diuretic properties that eliminate harmful bacteria.

Finally, horse chestnut extract tones the arteries and capillaries, preventing the formation of edema and increasing the resistance of blood vessels. It is a decongestant, vasoprotector and vasoconstrictor.

Main features:

  • Promotes a draining effect
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Increases skin elasticity

How to use: To apply the gel, it is necessary to spread a layer over the area to be treated and apply cavitation or electrophoresis. At the end of the treatment, it is necessary to remove the excess of the product with a gauze pad.

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