Intense restructuring for colored hair

Our hair is daily exposed to a series of external agents that damage its structure, coloring is one of these agents. Colored hair needs a lot of care so that the color always remains beautiful and vibrant . In addition, successive technical works decrease the strength and softness of the yarn.

The formula of the Wella Color Motion mask, with the WellaPlex agent and the hair surface brightener, allows intensive care with multiple benefits for the hair fiber. The hair becomes stronger , with a vibrant color and full of vitality.

Active principles:

  • WellaPlex Agent - Responsible for rebuilding the connections inside the hair which contributes to stronger hair;
  • Hair surface brightener - Softens the hair cuticle and provides shine, manageability and excellent color reflections;
  • Avocado Oil - Rich in proteins and vitamins A, C and E. An excellent ally for the threads, as it hydrates and nourishes in depth, replenishes essential nutrients and strengthens the thread, preventing breakage;
  • Histidine - Helps to control the oxidation process and protect the color;
  • Panthenol – Panthenol has a molecular structure that can capture water molecules to maintain hydration levels inside the hair strand. It coats the hair fiber providing shine and hydration from the cuticle to the cortex.

How to use: Wash with shampoo and remove excess water with a towel so that the mask can be absorbed more easily. Apply the mask strand by strand (with a downward massage), from the middle to the ends. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes and remove with plenty of water.
Tip: Apply the mask in small amounts and only on the most sensitized areas - Lengths and ends.

Also use….

  • In order to enhance the effect of the mask, put a thermal cap (aluminum cap) during the pose time. This process facilitates the penetration of the mask into the hair strand;
  • For easier detangling and shinier hair , use the conditioner after the mask . This provides external hydration to the hair shaft, allows the sealing of the cuticle and consequently a better retention of the nutrients of the mask inside the hair fiber;
  • Healthy and well-treated hair needs all the care. Use a capillary ampoule to complement your care to repair , hydrate , protect and revitalize . Choose the most suitable for your hair strand;
  • Use a serum or tip cream daily for protection, hydration and nutrition;

Perfect size for travel.

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