Discover the secret to truly nourished and healthy hair with this nourishing conditioner, developed to offer an exceptional hair care experience, providing not only nutrition, but also repair and protection to your hair.

By softening the friction of hair scales, this conditioner creates an invisible protective barrier, enveloping each hair with a layer of essential nutrients.

Its advanced formula goes beyond the surface, sealing the hair from root to tip, ensuring deep and lasting nutrition.

The secret of this conditioner lies in its unique combination of ingredients. Enriched with amino acids and seven vegetable oils - grape seed, moringa, coconut, sweet almond, avocado, macadamia and sunflower - this conditioner is a true source of nutrients and hydration for your hair.

Each oil has been carefully selected for its nourishing and moisturizing properties, providing your hair with complete restoration and radiant shine.

Ideal for hair subjected to chemical procedures and coloring, its repairing formula helps to revitalize damaged hair, restoring its health and vitality with each application.

Main features:

  • Extra nutrition and hydration care
  • Repairs and protects hair, sealing strands from root to tip
  • Enriched with amino acids and vegetable oils
  • Soft and smooth hair
  • Makes untangling easier
  • Vegan formula

How to use: After washing your hair with Seven Oils Nourishing Shampoo , apply the Conditioner to your hair and massage. Rinse thoroughly. For deeper hydration, use Sete Oils Nourishing Mask at least once a week, following the instructions for use.

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