Product with cosmetic ingredients that allow you to experience the pleasant experience of feeling your body surrounded by chocolate therapy and its aroma, while a powerful blood and lipolytic action is developed. You should do the procedure 3 to 4 times a week.

Active principles:

  • L Carnitine - has great lipolytic effects, responsible for the distribution of energy (causes fat to be transformed into ATP energy) and does not accumulate fat deposits.
  • Algae - are lipolytic and depurative .
  • Cocoa - is a great circulatory stimulant, anti-oxidant, releases endorphins giving a feeling of satiety and helps to burn fat . It intervenes in the vital layers of the skin, where the active principles have a strong rubefacient and lipolytic action. Reduces and reaffirms the body contour by eliminating orange peel skin.

How to use: Apply a sufficient amount to the area to be treated with a very active massage until the product is completely absorbed. You can wrap the area to be treated with sheets or film. Let it act for an average of 30 to 45 minutes. Then rinse.

Tip: You should do a body scrub twice a week. Apply the reducing ampoule. Do the massage as explained above. During the anti-cellulite pose, if you want to enhance the effect of the product, mix it with the cocoa mousse (optional). Finally, remove/rinse product residues from the skin, apply the firming agent without removing it.

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